Intelligent Asia 亞洲工業 4.0 暨智慧製造系列展考察團

Country 國家:Taiwan 台灣

展覽簡介:Intelligent Asia為台灣規模最大的工業4.0主題展覽,也為展出規模與參展家數名列前茅的專業採購交流平台,以「一站串聯智慧製造全環節」為展示主題,集結自動化、機器人、3D列印、智慧模具、物流與物聯網、冷鏈科技、雷射應用、流體傳動與機械要素等九大領域主題展,呈現各級工廠的數位轉型趨勢,以及產業鏈上、中、下游各環節的軟硬體設備系統整合方案。

Exhibition profile:Intelligent Asia is one of the leading industrial procurement platforms in Asia in terms of exhibition scale and number of brand exhibitors. It gathers exhibits from 9 major manufacturing sectors–Automation, Robots, Logistics, Cold Chain, 3D Printing, Molds & Dies, Laser, Fluid Power, and Smart Machinery–to highlight concepts of future factory.

HANNOVER MESSE 德國漢諾威工業展考察團

Country 國家:Germany 德國

展覽簡介:德國漢諾威工業展(Hannover Messe)是世界上規模最大的工業技術博覽會。每年在德國北部城市漢諾威的漢諾威展覽中心舉行,展示最新智慧感測器、模組化生產、自動化與傳動控制(IAMD)以及自動化物流系統解決方案,結合工業IT與軟體,引領傳統製造業轉向智慧生產。

Exhibition profile:The world’s leading Trade Fair for industrial Technology. All key technologies and core areas of industry – from research and development, industrial automation, IT, industrial supply, production technologies and services to energy and mobility technologies – can be found in Hannover. Take advantage of all the synergies that HANNOVER MESSE has to offer.

AMB 德國金屬加工展考察團

Country 國家:Germany 德國

展覽簡介:AMB 是德國頂級金屬加工展,逢雙年於德國斯圖加特盛大舉行。20 多年來,AMB 已成為德國金屬加工業的焦點,僅次於 EMO 為歐洲第二大工具機展。

Exhibition profile:Every two years since 1980, AMB has presented the highlights of the international metalworking industry. As the world’s leading trade fair, it focuses on products, technologies, innovations, services and concepts for people who are passionate about metalworking. This makes it a marketplace, training and networking platform all in one.

Wire & Tube 德國杜塞道夫國際線纜及管材展考察團

Country 國家:Germany 德國

展覽簡介:Wire & Tube 德國杜塞道夫電線電纜展每兩年舉辦一次,該展會是規模最大、最專業、涵蓋面廣的電線電纜專業展會。展會期間主辦方將主辦幾多場專題會,涵蓋行業品牌推廣、新技術應用、新工業設計、行業貿易交流、行業及跨行業合作前景等。是您開拓德國管材、線材市場不同錯過的盛會。

Exhibition profile:Wire and Tube serve as the global communication and business platform for industry heavyweights, SMEs and international associations alike.

Anuga FoodTec  德國國際食品機械展考察團

Country 國家:Germany 德國

展覽簡介:Anuga FoodTec 德國科隆國際食品機械展是全球食品和飲料行業最重要的驅動力。它是全球唯一覆蓋了食品生產全部產業鏈的貿易展會。不論機械還是系統,包裝材料或食品分析,原料或服務供應,行業將其創新產品和技術視野充分展示在科隆國際食品技術和機械博覽會的舞台上。它以一種集中並極具針對性的方式提供了整個食品行業全面的解決方案。

Exhibition profile:Anuga FoodTec is the leading international trade fair for the food and beverage industry. It covers all aspects of food production – from process technology to filling and packaging technology, from packaging materials to ingredients and food safety, as well as all innovations from all areas of food production.

IMTS 美國芝加哥國際工具機展考察團

Country 國家:America 美國

展覽簡介:IMTS 二年一次在芝加哥舉辦,是北美最主要的機械製造業展覽。接近 2,400 家參展商將出席於美國伊利諾州、芝加哥市的麥考米克展館 20 多萬平方公尺的展場面積。展出各式機械設備、零配件、加工製造技術、創新產品與先進科技,匯聚了來自117個國家的產業專業人士與各大參展企業一同共襄盛舉,帶領機械製造工業邁進產業高峰。

Exhibition profile:The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS), first held in Cleveland, Ohio in 1927, is a trade show that features industrial machinery and technology. It is the largest manufacturing technology trade show in North America.In addition to being an exhibition for suppliers of machinery and other manufacturing technology, since 2004 IMTS has sponsored the Emerging Technology Center, where new developments from both academia and industry are showcased.

SIAL 法國巴黎國際食品展考察團

Country 國家:France 法國

展覽簡介:SIAL 法國巴黎食品展是世界上三大食品展之一,創建於 1964 年,兩年一屆的法國巴黎國際食品飲料展覽會,英文名是 INSPIRE SIAL BUSINESS,是由法國著名展覽公司法國愛博國際展覽集團主辦,在法國北郊維勒班展覽中心舉辦的整個歐洲乃至世界最大的食品行業盛會。展會覆蓋全球無地域限制,引領全球食品行業的流行趨勢。

Exhibition profile:SIAL Paris is a global showcase for the food industry that brings the key producers and buyers together with a focus on the world’s major challenges and reveals the trends and innovations that shape the food industry of tomorrow. Created in 1964 in Paris, over the years SIAL PARIS has become the world benchmark for players in the food, retail and hospitality sectors.

FOODEX 日本國際食品飲料展考察團

Country 國家:Japan 日本

展覽簡介:FOODEX 日本國際食品飲料展自 1976 年辦理,為亞太地區規模最大,聲譽最高,品種最齊全,交易量最大之專業食品展,並與「德國科隆ANUGA食品展」與「法國巴黎SIAL食品展」為全球前三大專業食品展!

Exhibition profile:FOODEX JAPAN has been held since 1976, and aims to contribute to further developments in Asian food industry by providing all the latest information on “Food and Beverage”, and creates tangible business meeting opportunities for both inbound and outbound.

Jimtof 日本國際工具機展考察團

Country 國家:Japan 日本

展覽簡介:Jimtof 日本國際工具機展始於1962年,展會兩年一屆,與美國芝加哥 ( IMTS ) 國際工具機展、歐洲 ( EMO ) 國際工具機展並稱世界三大工具機展,在國際上享有盛譽。

Exhibition profile:The trade fair that is among the first in the world to show cutting-edge technologies.JIMTOF is highly appreciated by industry participants from all around the world as a showcase that is among the first to introduce the most advanced technologies. Many exhibitors develop their new products with an eye to JIMTOF.Recent years have seen notable advances in manufacturing optimization through IoT, automation, AI, and other technologies.


Country 國家:Japan 日本


Exhibition profile:Investigate the integration of Japanese smart agriculture in ecological environment smart monitoring, automatic application of crop production, and smart logistics marketing in production and sales. In-depth understanding of Japan’s promotion of smart agriculture, the application of smart technology in agricultural facility management and production operations.
